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    United States

    Call us: +19168318505

    Assistance hours: Monday – Friday
    9 am to 6 pm 


    Call us: +84938140924

    Assistance hours: Monday – Friday
    9 am to 6 pm 


    Call us: +436605574684

    Assistance hours: Monday – Friday
    9 am to 6 pm 

    Frequently Asked Questions.

    Who can join the SEAVA Group?

    We invite all awakening individuals and businesses of all sizes. We welcome services-focused self-employed people, entrepreneurs, and businesses to connect, find solutions to their problems, collaborate, and grow their businesses while fostering a supportive community.

    Who are Self-Employed People?

    Self-employed people are individuals who operate their businesses or work for themselves instead of being employed by someone else. They earn income directly from their clients or customers, manage their own workload and business operations, and are responsible for all aspects of their business, including financial risks and decision-making. Examples include freelancers, consultants, independent contractors, and small business owners.

    What are the key differences between self-employed people and entrepreneurs?

    The key differences between self-employed people and entrepreneurs lie in their business goals, scale, risk appetite, and growth strategies.

    Self-employed individuals are those who operate their businesses or offer their services directly to clients. They typically work independently, such as freelancers, consultants, or small business owners, focusing on sustaining a stable income, maintaining control over their work, and achieving a balance between work and personal life.

    Entrepreneurs, in contrast, are focused on creating, developing, and scaling businesses. They often innovate, introduce new products or services, and aim for significant business growth. This path usually involves a higher level of financial risk, investment, and the potential for scalability beyond personal labor and resources. While both paths involve autonomy in work, self-employed individuals focus more on personal income and work-life balance through their skills, whereas entrepreneurs focus on business growth, scalability, and innovation with a higher risk-reward balance.

    Is SEAVA Group available globally?

    Yes, SEAVA Group is a global community, and our services are accessible worldwide. We embrace diversity and welcome members from around the globe.

    How can I become a member?

    Joining SEAVA Group is easy. Simply visit our website, click on the "Register Interest" button at the top, and follow the survey process.

    What services does SEAVA Group offer?

    SEAVA Group provides three groups of services including business impact consulting services; an Synergy & Sharing Hub - a member’s all-in-one destination for growth at a professional and personal level, and digital platform-related services.

    How does the digital platform work?

    Our digital platform serves as a one-stop solution, providing tools, support, and connections to simplify your business journey, amplify your reach, and foster growth. You'll find resources to help you access business opportunities, have visibility and track the performance of your business, and automate workflow to manage your availability, proposal, contract, delivery milestones, and client evaluation.

    What is the cost of membership?

    We offer different membership tiers, including a free basic membership and premium options. Details will be emailed to those who sign up to our newsletter!

    What benefits do members receive?

    SEAVA Group members gain access to a diverse range of benefits including access to business opportunities, services offered through our digital platform, and Synergy & Sharing Hub activities.

    Can I cancel my membership?

    Yes, you can cancel your membership at any time by contacting our support team. We'll guide you through the process.

    Who can partner with SEAVA Group?

    We love to explore potential collaboration through a partnership with self-employed people and businesses who resonate with our mission. Contact us with your proposal.

    How can I stay updated on SEAVA Group news and events?

    To stay informed about SEAVA Group news and events, you can subscribe to become a member, follow our blog, and connect with us on social media platforms.

    Discover and enhance your entrepreneurial journey with SEAVA, where you can elevate both your career and personal life, while collaboratively creating meaningful impact.

    Discover the possibilities and shape your future with us. Join SEAVA and let’s achieve greatness together!

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